Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Did you ever have a friend you never met? Larry is that kind of guy. I don’t know Larry, never even met him but I have a feeling we would be good friends. Last night I was reading a very profound letter from Larry to one of his granddaughters, Sammie. Sammie is arguably Larry’s favorite granddaughter, but let’s keep that between us, the others wouldn’t be too happy if they knew I knew. I can understand why Larry feels the way he does, Sammie is pretty special to me too.

Last year Larry was on life support, today he supports life. Now be honest, everyone says they support life, their own life for sure, but when it comes to other lives, well maybe we can have a “senior moment” once in a while and forget about all the lives lost through “choice”. But, did you ever wonder whose choice they are talking about?

Larry had spent three days in the ICU at a local hospital. There is nothing like a three day retreat in an ICU to focus your senses on those things in your life that are really important. Sometimes it takes a moment like this, an out of the ordinary event to finally bring you home. After life support, what else is there? Well, plenty if you have Larry’s inner strength and sense of purpose. Larry beat the odds in the ICU; I guess God wasn’t done with him yet. The irony in all of this - Larry had gone from life support to supporting life; not a bad way to thank the Lord for saving your life.

I’m not sure it if was an epiphany or just a passing thought but Larry woke up feeling just like Howard Beale in the movie “Network News” exclaiming “I’m mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!” Right then and there Larry decided to join the political process. Larry suddendly realized that all life was precious. Being an old Navy hand Larry took this thought to be his marching orders. Grabbing a pen from one of his nurses Larry decided to make his voice heard and he wrote like he never wrote before.

Never one to say much (Richard Nixon would have called him one of the silent majority) Larry used just one 3X5 card to write what had to be said. His thoughts were pointed, and he got right to the heart of the matter. Like any good grandparent Larry wanted to teach his granddaughter the value of life and why character matters. Larry was writing to his granddaughter Sammie but his thoughts should be a lesson to us all. Larry decided it was time to stand for something, because if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. Larry is a husband, father, and grandfather, he has the gift of sight that comes with age; he's seen it all. He’s seen a granddaughter’s sonogram, he knows that today is the father of tomorrow and you have to make your choices count for the future. To borrow a phrase from President Obama (with a little poetic license) “That’s the kind of choice you can believe in”.

We live in a free country with unlimited choices but do we really know how to make the right choices? Life is dear, and everyone should have the opportunity to live life to the fullest but if you make a bad choice, use poor judgment, buy a house you can’t afford, don’t save for the future, or find yourself pregnant some politician will have a solution. They want to buy your vote with promises they can’t keep. Remember, there is no free lunch. What ever happened to personal responsibility?

Like Howard Beale Larry wants to spread his message and he is looking for volunteers. If you want to join Larry in his mission to teach the value of life and strength of character and make a difference in our world, stand up for what you believe and repeat after me - "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Better still why not drop Larry a line. He would love to hear from you and I bet he will become your friend too.

Larry Brethauer
43 Boondock Road
Lorida, FL 33857

Welcome home my friend. I hope I get to meet you some day.

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