Monday, January 26, 2009

Date Rape Italian Style

I think I just lost my virginity to a slick Italian. Let's reconstruct this; US Taxpayers "lend" Chrysler $7 Billion and three weeks later Fiat, that slick Italian Don Juan, shows up at my window singing a love aria strait from Puccini and the next thing I know Mr. F has a 35% share of my company. I say my company because it was my $7 Billion in the first place.

If once is not enough for this lothario now I learn Mr. F is ready for more with an option to gain further control, up to 55%, if he is in the mood. This no-cash deal gives him access to my plants, my employees, my money, so he can bring our little bambino love child to life in the US.

So ask yourself, if I hadn't lent the money to Chrysler would Mr. F still have come a courting? Probably, he wanted in and I let my guard down and made it too easy for him. So much for government mandated sex education.

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